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Is it time to refresh your workplace practices?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago

​January is so often a time for renewal. A chance to have a fresh start and review any bad habits that you might have got into. Now is a great moment for you and your workers to take a good look at how you work and what you can do to continue to improve. Here at Thrive, we wanted to give you a few ideas to think about how to refresh what you are doing and be ready for whatever further challenges the year may bring.

Is the workplace clean and safe?

If your workers are still physically in the workplace, it is worth making some New Year’s Resolutions to make sure everyone is doing their best to keep the workplace clean and safe for COVID. One of the biggest lessons learnt from the pandemic so far is that the health of the workforce is paramount in ensuring production can run smoothly without disrupting productivity.

You might like to take a fresh look and ask the following:

  • Are hand washing and sanitisers used regularly?

  • Do you ensure the best possible ventilation?

  • Can you increase surface cleaning and regular disinfecting?

  • Do you have simple to follow guidelines on COVID testing?

  • Are face masks/visors worn where needed?

  • Can you reduce movement between locations where possible?

  • Do you ensure social distancing where possible?

  • Communication – are the measures that are in place are easy to understand and made clear to everyone?

See the full government guidance for working safely here:

Are you also looking after your workers’ health and well-being?

With COVID often being at the front of our minds at the moment, it is easy to neglect other areas of health and wellbeing. There are some easy steps to take to make sure that workers can keep well. We offer all our workers free access to 24/7 GPs as well as discounted gym memberships. With finances tight and the cold, dark weather, January can also be a hard time emotionally and we also have free counselling available for all our employees whenever they need it.

Do you have a good way of managing numbers and a good back-up plan?

It is inevitable that some workers will end up being off sick or having to isolate. We help our clients to recruit smart by encouraging them to plan ahead for their workforce needs, over-induct temporary workers so there are trained workers available when they are needed and also build trust with their workers.

If you would like to find out how Thrive Group can help you with your workforce planning and recruitment, get in touch today on +44 1793 488057 or