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Jobs For Night Owls - The 5 best things about working night shifts

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 3 years ago

Are you a night owl? Working night shifts can be very rewarding and a great option for some candidates. Read on for our edit of the 5 best things about working through the night.

1.    It pays! Staying up and working a shift through the small hours of the morning tends to pay big. Although there is no mandatory rise in the minimum wage for those who choose to work through the night, most businesses pay their night-shift workers a higher salary to account for there being fewer people willing to work this more unsociable shift than their daytime counterparts!

2.    It can be easier to stand out and impress as a new worker. The night shift, which is typically staffed with fewer employees than a day shift, can offer an opportunity for new employees to stand out for their skills because the night shift is normally a less crowded working environment.

3.    Productive free time is easier to come by and take advantage of. Tired of being rushed to carry out life admin in the short space of time shops and services are open after work, or missing your lunch break to get your personal affairs in order? Night shift employees are able to take advantage of their time away from work coinciding with the opening hours of other shops and services, giving a whole day in which to carry them out (once you’ve had a nap that is!).

4.    Skip the rush hour! Standing back to back at capacity of a bus, or sitting bumper to bumper on the motorway are but distant memories for those choosing to work the night shift. As the commute to work no longer coincides with the commute undertaken by the majority dayshift, it will be quieter, quicker and easier. Not to mention cheaper! Trains and buses are often more expensive during rush hour, and this will also be avoided. If you’re taking public transport, avoiding busy periods is also advisable from a COVID-related standpoint.

5.    Study time. Working a night shift can be an easy way of freeing up your days to attend classes and courses during the daytime to help bolster your CV, which could be the difference you need to take that next step up the job ladder.

If this sounds like the right fit for you, get in touch with your local office to find your next job.