If you’re starting to feel the squeeze of the cost of living already, you’re not alone. Take a read of our top tips for reducing your outlay and making your pay packet stretch further.
Become a champion of ‘cashback’
If you know you are an online spender, at least make it work ‘for’ you. Sign up for cashback sites like Quidco or TopCashback, and each time you make a purchase, you’ll get money back into your wallet for having carried out a transaction through their link.
Downshift your supermarket shop
We all fall into the trap of buying the more superior brands we know and love. Make it a challenge to yourself to downshift at least one product per trip, from a brand to a supermarket own. You’ll be surprised how much you could save on goods you buy often – and you may not even notice the difference.
Share the work commute
Look into car-sharing if you have to drive into the office regularly. You might know a colleague who lives on your route, or you can look up carsharing schemes in your neighbourhood.
Reach for savings and debt advice
There are numerous not-for-profit organisations out there, designed to support you in your hour of need. They can give advice on debt management, and support you managing your anxieties and stress levels. Try the likes of Citizens Advice, or find charities and not-for-profits in your region.
Buddy up in your bid to save
Being accountable in your bid to save, can be a huge benefit. Chat with friends about pooling savings for a particular purpose or regularly sharing tips and advice to help each other make it through challenging periods.
Audit (and ditch) the Subscriptions and Sign-ups
It’s amazing how many direct debits we have on our bank accounts, many of which we forget about. Check whether you’re still paying for a membership or license you no longer need, and ask yourself if you really need 6 premium TV services.
Rethink the Lunchtime Luxuries
Sure, we all love a take-out coffee and a hot panini at lunchtime, but what if ditching those for homemade versions could save you close to £10 a day? That could mean as much as £50 in your pocket each week, and about £200 a month.
Solve the Energy Excesses
Small changes – big difference. Look at how many appliances you leave on standby, and learn to switch off at the socket instead. Minimise use of appliances like tumble dryers, and be savvy about how often you boil a full kettle, run a full bath, or even whether you’re leaving the water running while you brush your teeth!
Find more advice and tips: https://www.thrivegroup.co.uk/blog/tag/candidate